To log into your application, please be sure to use the e-mail address you used when you created your account!If you know you've started an application, but can't remember which email you used, you can use the "Forgot Password?" link to send an email to your account. Be sure to check your email spam and junk folders for an email from If you still can't log in, send a note to and we can confirm which email you should be using to start your application or send you a reset password link!
To log into your Scholar Portal, please be sure to use your primary e-mail address. You should receive most email communication through Wallin. If you have forgotten your password, you can use the "Forgot Password?" link to send an email to your account. Be sure to check your email spam and junk folders for an email from If you still can't log in, send a note to and we can send you a reset password link.
To log in, please enter your email address and password.